Cell Ecosystem
Hi! This is just a small simulation I made in which some organisms (which I call cells although they're way more advanced than a cell) try to survive and evolve, simulating natural selection. The project is heavily inspired by a video by Sebastian Lague on ecosystems and genetic algorithms and a video about a cell simulation, the Bibites.
Instructions for the simulation
Set the desired parameters and then click generate. These are the suggested parameters to start the simulation:
- MinStartingCells: 10. The minimum amount of cells to be generated at the beginning of the generation.
- MaxStartingCells: 20-25. The maximum amount of cells to be generated at the beginning of the generation.
- MaxFood: 1000. The maximum amount of food to be generated.
- FoodMultiplier: 500. The higher, the more food will be generated per second.
Cell behaviour
When born, the first cells of the simulation get random traits/genes which allow them to act different than other cells. These are the possible genes:
- Speed: The maximum velocity the cell can reach. A small cell will move faster than a big cell.
- RotationSpeed: How fast can the cell rotate.
- Size: The scale of the cell. A big cell will consume less food per second (energy wasting) than a small one.
- FoodType: What food will the cell eat, either vegetal or meat.
- LookRadius: The vision range of the cell, with which it will detect food and other cells.
- Color: It doesn't have a purpouse other than showing all the members of a "family".
- MinSurvivingTime / MaxSurvivingTime: A random number between these two traits determines how long will the cell live.
- VirusResistance: The higher, the lesser the effect of a virus when infected.
- Cell action genes: When born, the cell might acquire some of these genes:
- CanMove: Ability to move around the scene. It's essential to survive, so it's easier to get it when being born.
- CanStop: Ability to stop. Really useful to better control the cell's movement.
- CanTurn: Ability to rotate.
- CanAttack: Ability to attack. Not really useful at the moment, since it's not fully implemented.
The cells can also get infected by a virus when eating poisoned food (purple food). A virus can give the host cell the following effects:
- Damage: Inflicts damage to the cell, making it more vulnerable.
- Mutation: Makes the cell mutate a random gene without having to create a new child.
- Hunger: Consumes food.
- Slowness: Reduces the cell speed.

A cell with a virus.
To survive, cells must eat food (that includes other cells!). There are 3 types of food:
- Vegetal: Only appears in the scene, but more abundantly than meat.
- Meat: Appears in the scene and is released by dead cells.
- Poisoned: Contains a virus.

All three kinds of food.
Clicking a cell will display this menu. This panel shows all the variables of the cell, from health to color. At the bottom, five dots are shown, which represent the genes:
- CanMove
- CanStop
- CanTurn
- CanAttack
If a dot is red, the cell doesn't have that gene. If the color is green, the cell has that ability.

The cell panel
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This is a copy from the bibites