
This is a little project I've been developing just to teach myself some procedural generation. It's a low poly city procedural generator.

How to play:

  • WASD : Move around
  • Generate : Procedurally creates a new city.
  • Center+/-  : Change the city's size, which will be updated on the next city generation.
  • Number Display : This is the size of your city. It determines how many tiles fit either vertically or horizontally in the city.
  • Left +/-  : Manage the zoom of the camera.
  • Camera : Take a screenshot. If you're playing on a WebGLPlayer this button will only hide the UI for 5 seconds for you to take a screenshot. When used in Windows or Mac this will save an image in the game's directory.
  • Exit : This button does nothing in WebGL, but exits the game in Windos or Mac.

Future plans:

  • I'd like to add car AI, which I kind of did create, but because of a hard-to-solve error I haven't been able to add vehicles wandering around. So if you are experienced with Unity's AI and NavMeshes, send me a message through Twitter, please!
  • Wheater: Not only rain and fog, but also a day/night cycle.
  • More building variety: I actually have a good amount of modular pieces I modelled which could be cool to implement and generate even more weird buildings!
  • More detail: from street lights to signs.


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A clever creation!  I'd love to see this as a download where you not only set the city, but a timer that respawns it every X seconds or minutes.  It'd be quite nice.

(1 edit)

Cool idea! I am currently working on another project so I'm not paying any attention at all to this project. However, when I finish the other one I'll come back, since I've got some ideas to implement... Thanks for the feedback!!

Glad to help - hey maybe simply make it scroll, constantly generating a city so you're "flying" over an endless city.

That's my original intention, but I'm yet teaching myself procedural generation and I've got no idea on how to do that... I guess I should do something similar to how minecraft does it, with separated chunks

Probably could do that.  You can calculate how many chunks you need to generate and loop the process.  Or cheat and create a map where one edge goes to the other, and loop that sucker ;)